Thursday, October 15, 2009

An Open Invitation to Covenant Living

As we begin our study of Sunday's lesson, "Pleading for Mercy," I am reminded how we seek our parents for help when are in need. As Christians we celebrate the privilege of turning to Jesus to get our needs met. We all need healing and restoring from the brokenness in our lives (bodies, minds, and spirit) and the world. In the lesson's scripture Mark 7: 24-30, Jesus breaks down racial barriers by healing the daughter of a Syrophenician woman. Can you imagine a person outside the realm of a rewarding fellowship with God because they have not met the conditions set forth in the Bible for effectiveness in prayer, yet in need. Perhaps this mother had exhausted all avenues of help for her daughter, then she heard about the healings Jesus was performing, with believing faith she went to Him seeking help for her daughter. Our Lord's compassion and responsiveness has no boundaries of race, gender or geography.

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