Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Called to Choose Life

The lesson (Deuteronomy 6:1-9,20-24) "Obeying the Commands" for Sunday August 23, 2009, continues to stress the statutes and the judgements which the Lord God commands that we teach our children. He wants you and your children to know them and keep them all the days of your life and promises your life will be longer. What is the command? "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might." We are instructed to teach our children God's ways in our homes, when we are walking or riding in our cars, all the time. When God's ways are embedded internal, external signs will be reflected. When our descendants ask questions, we can share what God has done for us and where He has brought us - give credit to God for everything. This is the lesson God wanted Moses to teach the Israelites so their off-springs would know how they had suffered in Egypt and that God had delivered them to a rich land He had promised their fathers. God is one and only!

Have you been in the desert? Did God bring you through it? Have you shared God deliverance in your life?

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