Saturday, September 4, 2010

God Reveals

The adult lesson for Sunday, September 5, is entitled "No Excuses," from Exodus 3:1-6, 13 - 15. Now, Moses who had fled from Egypt because he feared for his life, is in Midian. His status had changed from being a prince served by others to a servant watching over his father-in-law's sheep. By our standards this could have been considered a low point in his life. The angel of the Lord appeared before him in the form of a burning bush not being consumed. This captured Moses attention and he turned to investigate. God saw this, so He spoke to Moses, saying Moses, Moses. These verses help us to realize that God can turn our situation around; God may come to us in our lowest moments; and God will use different medians to get our attention. Sometimes it is necessary for us to be at a low point where we will observe, listen and response to God's will. Why do you think God called Moses name twice as He did some others in the Bible?

As Moses attempted to get closer, he was stopped and asked to take off his shoes, because he was standing on holy ground. God was present and whenever we come into His presence, we must come as clean vessels. God revealed to Moses His identity by sharing with him that He was the God of his father (Amram), the God of Abraham, the God of Issac, and the God of Jacob and that is what he was to tell the Israelites, whom he was assigned to rescue from slavery. Should we tell our children about the one and only God, the same God of our fathers and what He has done for us?

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