Friday, June 12, 2009

Called Out of Egypt

As we continue our study from Exodus 4:10-16, 27-31, we find that Moses was reluctant in accepting God's call. He made excuses as to why he should not be the person, to the point he angered God. The excuses Moses used were 1) he was incapable and unqualified, 2) the people would be sketptical of God's ability to help them, 3) the people would not believe him, and 4) his speech was not eloquent enough to represent God revealed a lack of faith. Do you try to justify why you can not do what God ask of you? Moses was expressing his humility and fear. God will provide the inner strength and guidance for you when you are performing His will, just as He promised Moses. This lesson and the previous lesson marks the beginning of God's plan to emancipate the Israelites from the clutches of Pharaoh.

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