Friday, January 15, 2010

Evidences of Jesus as Messiah

Our lesson this week continues with miracles performed by Jesus as no other man could, which provides more evidence that He was sent by God - is God. Matthew 9:27-34, shared the healing of three men. The first two men were blind, they cried out to Jesus in a loud voice for Him, Thou Son of David to have mercy on them. They followed Him into the house; He questioned them regarding their belief in Him; He touched them and said according to your faith be healed and their eyes opened. The second healing was of a dumb man possessed by a demon, brought to Jesus. Jesus casted the devil out of the man and he spoke. Multitudes saw the works of Jesus an marvelled at it. The Pharisees were not willing to say that Jesus has the power through God, but gave the credit to the prince of the devils. Matthew 11:2-6 talks about John while in jail hearing about Jesus, sends two of his disciples to ask Jesus if He is the one we are expecting or should we expect another. Jesus told them to share with John all they had seen and heard - the signs of blind seeing, lame walking, deaf hearing, dead rising, lepers cleaned, and the poor hearing the gospel and blessed is he who does not get offended by Jesus. In all we do we need to keep the faith in Jesus to be healed.

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